Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Whuzuh? Zicam?

The FDA recently issued a warning against the nasal gel and nasal swab forms of Zicam. I’ve used the pill form before, but never these. It’s kinda like Airborne. It’s supposed to either prevent a cold that’s coming on or significantly reduce the symptoms.

It never really worked for me, but I pretty much take whatever my wife gives me. She could poison me anytime she wanted. Today she gave me this big yellow pill and said, “It’s oil. It’ll [blah-blah-blah] your [blah-blah-blah].”

“Fish oil?” I asked. That’s the only kind of oil I could think of that comes in pill form. I’ve never taken it, but it’s always fascinated me. I picture people with plastic hairnets, white coats, and blue plastic gloves squeezing fish over bowls to get the juice out of them.

“No, it’s [bluh-bluh-bluh].”

“Ok, fine.” I swallowed it without water. I know. I have mad pill-swallowing skillz. Somebody call Letterman.

Anyway, I found out today that Zicam is basically a zinc supplement. This is zinc:

Yes, we need a little bit of it in our diet, but c’mon! Is it any surprise that snorting it in gel form might cause a little damage to the sense of smell?

Then again, I can’t talk. If my wife stuck it up my nose and told me to snort, I’d do it. I’m not gonna lie.


1 comment:

  1. Flax, sweetheart. It was flax oil.


    Good for your heart! Supposably!
